
Storytelling & Power BI - Speaking @ Power BI Gebruikersdag 2023​

 at March 2023 I presented my session “Storytelling & Power BI – Creating Power BI reports that connect with different audiences at the Power BI Gebruikersdag in Utrecht.

The Power BI Gebruikersdag is a 3-day event with full-day sessions on Thursday, deep dive (2h) sessions on Friday, and various 1-hour sessions on Saturday. 
Tickets are available at pbig.nl (keep an eye on the website for the event next year!)

Session I presented: Storytelling & Power BI – Creating reports that connect with different audiences.
Where & When: Jaarbeurs Utrecht,  Saturday March 11 2023, 12:00 

Power BI Gebruikersdag 2023 Valerie Junk
Grateful how many people joined my session!

About the Session - Storytyelling & Power BI

The session presented at the Power BI Gebruikersdag addresses the issue that designing a report that will be viewed and used by different audiences can be challenging. 

You want to present information in an actionable, informative, and visually appealing way. However, users across an organization may have various requirements and Power BI experience levels. While some users need detailed information presented in different dimensions with possibilities to filter and drill through, others may only look for key performance indicators. Some users like to click through a dashboard to see specific information, while others want to print.
This session covers steps you can take to understand the needs of different audiences. 

Valerie Junk Power BI Gebruikersdag Power BI & Storytelling

Topics covered during the session Storytelling & Power BI​

– Techniques and questions you can ask to understand your audience and to gather the report requirements.

– Examples of different visualizations (and ways to format them) to communicate with different audiences and get your message across

– Providing a consistent look and feel (with templates and color schemes) to reduce the cognitive load when looking at a report

– Best practices & tips to design actionable, informative, and easy-to-understand reports.

By the end of the session, attendees will understand better how to create a Power BI report that connects with different audiences across an organization.

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